At nature’s pace: Find YOUR right rhythm in life
Shifting towards right relationship with Earth and Life and Self often involves moving at a different pace than the (urgent) one prescribed by our extractionary culture.
A lot of people I know have a really hard time slowing down, though. Or speeding up, if that’s what they need and want. We seem to have lost our ability to set our own pace in a culture that apparently has only one gear.
The standardisation of time meant the removal of our ability to live at the pace prescribed by nature, with the seasons. Instead, there were set hours to be conformed to for certain activities, hours that didn’t care about the sun or about our spirit’s rhythm, our own right pace and capacity.
If you find the speed that our culture travels at to be a bit fast, or alternately, super slow, everything frozen, there are ways to invite right pace back into your life. A pace that supports your vitality, joy, and relationships.
Ways to practice right pace:
spend time in nature, observe the varying speeds and rhythms that occur there
create tech-free spaces in your home and take digital detox days
practice intentional rest and interoception- Yoga Nidra is an excellent option for both
sit down to meals without interruptions, and with other people if possible
read paper books instead of on a device
spend unstructured time alone
watch for the space between your thoughts and breaths
try not to use screens after dark
practice nervous system regulation an educate yourself about your physiology